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First-time sailor? See what we have prepared for you to have a peaceful stay.


Join the guys and go camping! The cheapest tour there is one of the coolest, regardless of where to go, whether beach, field or mountain.


1 - First step:

To know where to go.


Make your road map, how to get there, whether by bus or by car. Talk to your friends or relatives which location will be good to everyone. Already with your chosen destination, it's time to pack up.


2 - What to take to the camping site?

First, go backpacking and not wheeled bags or things like that. Depending on your destination hikes are not friends with hand luggage. The camper is a born backpacker, but watch out for the weight. A lot of people take almost all things in their house and halfway along the backpack will look like an elephant strapped to your back!


Let's make a basic list for a camping weekend:


1 - A single blanket (if going to a cold place at night) or sleeping bag.

2 - A pair of jeans (go dressed with them).

3 - A pair of sneakers (also go with them, avoid weight in the backpack).

4 - Two t-shirts (and one on your body).

5 - A pair of sweatpants to sleep.

6 - A coat (if it is cold or the forecast is cold).

7 - 3 pairs of underwear (underpants, panties, bras and socks).

8 - Swimsuits (boys usually do not even take it, but girls do). Even going to the countryside, there is the possibility of having a little sunbath!

9 - Two pairs of shorts or bermudas (take no more than that).


10 - Toiletries (toilet paper, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo). Do not carry dozens of hair, body, hand and foot creams. They are what we call excess ballast! You will not die without them for two days!

11 - A bath towel and a face towel.

12 - Repellent (It is always good to carry a tube of repellent. Mosquitoes are everywhere). Take painkillers (aspirins) and antacids, but don't bring to the whole drugstore!

13 - Your utensils: A plastic plate, cutlery (fork, knife and spoon). A canteen or squeezer and a mug.

14 – A flashlight (Today mobile phones bring flashlight, but it is better to save your battery). Each camper should have his own, so don't be dependent on others asking "light up here?" every 10 minutes.


Do not take pillow, teddy bear among other superfluous. Remember that all this will be on your back!

Also do not carry stereos or speakers. You will go camping and not make a prom. Enjoy the sounds of nature.


The acoustic guitar is always welcome in camping as long as someone can play! But only one! Other instruments are expendable. Oh, a well-played harmonica is also cool.


Collective items should be listed as:


1 – Camping stove and a 3 kilos gas bottle.

2 - Pans.

3 - Groceries.

4 - Matches or a lighter.

5 - A bottle of insecticide (if you go to the forest area).


Make the market list for a weekend. Don't take too much and beware of perishables like meat, milk and cold cuts.


Beverage and drinks in glass bottles should be well packaged.

If you don't want to cook, choose a camping with snack bar and it will be less work. But it's funny cooking camp food!



The main item of the camper.

Today we have dozens of tent types. Light, resistant and warm. But it is an item that you will use 70% to sleep and store your trash (lol). Don't carry huge tents if your group is small. If it's four people, bring two small (two-people) tents or one for four. None of that grandpa's three-bedroom canvas tent and iron frame. That weighed a ton!


But I’ll drive to the campsite! (You can say). Can't I take Grandpa's apartment?

If you go by car, of course you can! Comfort is also part of the camp!


A warning: Always check and see if all parts of the tents are together. Forgetting the canvas or the tent’s specks let everybody frustrated!



Camping in areas such as within forests can be dangerous. The forest is an ecosystem with all its biodiversity and a wide range of insects and animals, some of them venomous, that is ... poisonous. Ants, mosquitoes, spiders, snakes and even frogs that even seem harmless can cause serious problems.


Do not venture into unfamiliar or uninhabited places. Always keep the tent closed so you won't be surprised to find unwanted new tenants.

Do not leave food exposed, it attracts a dozen insects and animals. Take item 5 above (insecticide). Apply to  the tent entrance to scare off insects, especially spiders and ants.


Never light candles or lamps inside the tent. The risk of fire is huge! Also do not build bonfires near the tents. Keep two meters away. A spark can burn the tent in seconds.

The bonfires should be made by digging a 30 cm deep hole and circling stones, so it lasts longer and prevents the spread of fire on the dry grass.


Never drink too much. Drunkenness can cause inattention, quarrels, quarrels and quarrels as well as getting to the point of alcoholic coma. Drink in moderation for fun and not fall on the bonfire!


If you go to a campsite like ours, be courteous to your neighboring campers. Make friendships that can be lasting like I did for over 40 years camping in Brazil.


Camping is something that, when entering your blood it will never go out. When you see you’ll be camping with your grandchildren!


Following these simple tips, your trip will be unforgettable and will have dozens of adventures to tell your friends and family, but take your cellphone and take as many photos as you want and perpetuate every moment with us or wherever you go.


These memories are wonderful.


Raul Augusto Filho

Camper since 1979.

1 viagem.fw.png
Take only what is needed.
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Let your "home" at home!
Don't forget your tent!
Make bonfires safe.
bebedeira camping.fw.png
Drinking too much can ruin your
trip. Do not exaggerate!
Your fun will be
guaranteed !!!
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